Ryan Evans


Ryan Evans: Water Resource Specialist

Water Resource Field Specialist II, Field Monitoring Specialist, Outreach Specialist, Heavy Machine Operator

In 2009, Ryan received his Permaculture Design Certificate at the Virgin Island Sustainable Farm Institute in St. Croix, USVI. It was there he cultivated his interest and passion for sustainable systems and integrated design. He now specializes in designing and installing rainwater, greywater, and stormwater catchment systems. It is his belief that the key to creating enduring communities lies in the responsible use and distribution of our most precious resource: water. In his spare time he pursues a variety of other passions which include rock climbing, rigging alarming highlines, and observing nature.  He hopes to one day own property on which he could refine and develop sustainable systems of his own. In addition to working on his own homestead, he would like to eventually begin an education center which focuses on teaching all ages the concepts of ecological responsibility. In a nutshell, he enjoys both being in nature and sharing it with others.

On Staff Since: 2013      Email: ryan@h2oprogressive.com

My Favorite Quote:

"All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone." -Blaise Pascal

In Their Own Words: Why My Work at WP Matters

Far too many people simply are not aware of where their water comes from. That alone leads to a series of bad habits and behavior. We live on planet water. It is important to respect and be educated on one of the most important life lines of our own existence. We have to manage our water wisely, not only for our own personal health but for the health and safety of our ecosystems, our communites,and our families.

Why I Think Water Is So Cool:

The fact that we can’t survive without it is pretty high on my list. It is the most important substance we have on this planet. We drink it, we grow our food with it, we clean our bodies with it, we make beer with it! I also think it is pretty cool that water, through many years, has carved out my favorite playground, Yosemite National Park!

What I Obsess About:

Slacklining. Haven’t heard of it? Well, it is similar to tight rope walking but instead of walking on a steel cable, slackliners walk on a 1” wide stretchy webbing. Slacklines can easily be rigged between two trees set up just a few feet off the ground or they can be carefully rigged high in the trees, across river canyons, or high up on the granite cliffs of Yosemite! Slacklining is a moving meditation and that’s part of why I love it so much. It takes an incredible amount of concentration and focus to be able to stay calm and walk a highline. When you can get in that "zone” and everything clicks, that’s one of the most euphoric feelings I have ever experienced. Your breath is steady, your mind is calm, and you are in complete control of your entire body, oh man I get the goose bumps just thinking about the "enlightenment" slacklining can bring.